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Israeli army's conflict on two more fronts besides Hamas

Hindu 18 News: इजरायली सेना का हमास के अलावा 2 और मोर्चों पर संघर्ष

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

Israel has vowed to intensify ground attacks in response to Hamas' attack, but the country's military is also under attack from two other fronts - Lebanon and Syria. Know in detail about the threats Israel is currently facing here.

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