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OPPO: It is considered to be the best flip ever

OPPO: अब तक का सबसे अच्छा फ्लिप माना जा रहा है

According to the information, an earthquake with 6.23 percent intensity occurred in western Afghanistan on Wednesday. Whereas more than 2000 people had already died in the earthquake that occurred here just a few days ago. Let us tell you that the United States Geological Survey has said that the earthquake occurred at around 5:10 am local time. Whose center is said to be about 29 kilometers north of Hairat city.

According to the information, an earthquake with 6.23 percent intensity occurred in western Afghanistan on Wednesday. Whereas more than 2000 people had already died in the earthquake that occurred here just a few days ago. Let us tell you that the United States Geological Survey has said that the earthquake occurred at around 5:10 am local time. Whose center is said to be about 29 kilometers north of Hairat city.

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